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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ryan's List-Worthy from Last Year List: Computer Programs

Happy New Year!

Since it's that time of year where virtually everyone writes a list or two about their favorites from the year before, I think I'll join in with my insignificant opinions about random stuff. I've been creating more media than consuming it in 2007, so these lists will be rather short.

Anyhow, here are my Top 5 new computer programs, installed in 2007:

1. Upgrade to Pro Tools 7.3 - I wouldn't be able to properly score Elan Vital without the video function.

2. Digidesign Strike
- I loves me my robot. Requires Pro Tools.

3. FXpansion VST to RTAS Adapter - RTAS plugins cost money. Lots and lots of money. Several VST plugins can be found on the Net for free, and some of them are pretty darn good. Only really useful to wrap VST plugins for use in Pro Tools.

4. Upgrade to BIAS Soundsoap Pro - Awesome. I tried it a little bit last year, but I'll really put this program to the test when I get back to dialogue editing for Elan Vital. Works in Pro Tools (RTAS), as well as other host programs (VST, etc.).

5. Upgrade to the latest iTunes ("iTunes Plus" with the DRM-free mp3s for sale) - Because I think I've run out of 2007 programs to praise. Anyhow, has a competing high-bitrate, DRM-free mp3 store.

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